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Tim1999 (T99): Najveće informativne manipulacije u Srbiji odnose se na NATO intervenciju u Srbiji 1999. godine, na razloge, uzroke i posledice te intervencije. Emocije koje društvo Srbije ima povodom toga, teško su zlouporebljavane i sada se zloupotrebljavaju u hibridnom delovanju režima Vladimira Putina, i potom iskorišćavane od strane političkih grupa u Srbiji koje su povezane sa režimom Vladimira Putina. Takve emocije su potom politički i informativno zloupotrebljene sa ciljem da u društvu opadne podrška Evropskoj Uniji i da se stvori aminozitet u društvu prema Zapadu, kojem inače Srbija istorijski pripada.

Posledicete ove zloupotrebe bile su vidljive nedavno između ostalog i na početku agresije Ruske Federacije na Ukrajinu, gde je veliki broj stanovništva Srbije podržao Vladimira Putina i njegovu agresiju. To je samo jedan uzorak koji pokazuje kakvu posledicu je stvorilo hibridno i proxy delovanje, kroz zloupotrebu činjenica o NATO intervenciji 1999. godine. Takvih posledica, ima međutim mnogo u društvu Srbije, a one su stvarane namerno i strateški.

Tim 1999 ima zadatak da naučnim prikupljanjem i obradom činenica spreči svaku zlouporebu događaja iz 1999. godine, da kroz javno delovanje emotivno suoči društvo sa tim činjenicama, osvesti ga o činjenicama, napravi razliku između činjenica i propagande, i time spreči da informacije i narativi koji se odnose na „NATO bombardovanje“ budu emotivno zloupotrebljava u javnom prostoru, u korist režima Vladimira Putina, a na štetu stvarnog interesa Republike Srbije.

Team 1999 (T99): The biggest information manipulations in Serbia relate to the NATO intervention in Serbia in 1999, the reasons, causes and consequences of that intervention. The emotions that the Serbian society has about it have been badly abused and are now being misused in the hybrid operation of Vladimir Putin's regime, and then exploited by political groups in Serbia that are connected to Vladimir Putin's regime. Such emotions were then politically and informatively misused with the aim of decreasing support for the European Union in society and creating hostility in society towards the West, to which Serbia historically belongs.

The consequences of this abuse were visible recently, among other things, at the beginning of the Russian Federation's aggression against Ukraine, where a large number of the Serbian population supported Vladimir Putin and his aggression. This is just one sample that shows the consequences of hybrid and proxy action, through the misuse of facts about the NATO intervention in 1999. However, there are many such consequences in Serbian society, and they were created deliberately and strategically.

The 1999 team has the task of preventing any misuse of the events of 1999 through scientific collection and processing of facts, to emotionally confront society with these facts through public action, to make them aware of the facts, to differentiate between facts and propaganda, and thus prevent the misuse of information and narratives that are emotionally abused in the public space, in favor of Vladimir Putin's regime, and to the detriment of the real interests of the Republic of Serbia.